You Are Enough Even If...
"You’re enough.
No, no, no. Really. You’re enough.

You’re enough if your house didn’t get clean.
You’re enough if you didn’t get that promotion.
You’re enough if you didn’t get that invitation, and it’s been a while since you were included in anything.
You’re enough if your jeans from last year don’t fit.
You’re enough if you take anxiety/depression meds.
You’re enough if your bank account is empty.
You’re enough if you made frozen pizza for dinner...again.
You’re enough if you don’t look like the filtered pictures you see on Instagram.
You’re enough if you don’t have a hobby, or a podcast, or a blog. You’re enough if you don’t have any followers.
You’re enough if you don’t have a ton of friends. You’re enough if you don’t have any. You’re enough if you don’t have a side hustle.
You’re enough if you aren’t married, or dating anyone. You’re enough with or without kids.
You’re enough if someone else is further along than you are. You’re enough if someone else is more successful right now.
You’re enough if you get over-looked, and you’re enough if things are growing more slowly than you’d like. You’re enough if you know exactly where you’re going, and you’re enough if you don’t have a clue.
I know Satan wants you to think otherwise.
I know he wants to twist things and make you doubt. I know he wants to steal your joy, your peace, and your confidence. I know he wants you to feel defeated, but try not to let him.
You’re enough.
You have Jesus after all.
After a week of feeling like I’m a complete failure, I needed this and I thought you might need it too."
The above encouragement was written by one of the few humble, tender leaders left on social media. If you don't follow her journey already please go connect with Amy Weatherly. She's authentic, kind, vulnerable, and down right funny.
We can say 'I am enough' only because of the one true 'I AM' We can lay down societal expectations, because the One who matters most, Who knew us before we were born, Who says we're loved beyond measure... He says we're enough for Him and loved just as we are. Even if you don't believe that quite yet, it's still true.
The striving, the straining, the race, the facade suddenly pales in comparison. Sister, may you find your peace this week in knowing it's a done deal.
You Are. Enough.
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