Connect with a Friend this Week
What does it mean to connect?

As grown women, we find ourselves being ruled by the calendar, do we not? The meetings, the sports schedule, the routine doctor visits, and all the ways we prepare to keep up with our busy lives. Forget all the rest, how about just the grocery listing, shopping, meal planning* & making sure the little people around us are fed?
It leaves precious little time to connect with friends, doesn't it? The word connection can be deceiving. Merely sitting next to someone is not connection. While it may be different for you, for me connection that truly counts involves vulnerable conversation, focused listening, venting, laughing, and just enjoying one another's company without any strings attached.
This week, I challenge you to carve out time to connect with at least one trusted friend. Reach out via text, put a coffee date on the calendar, or if she's busy, go join her on the bleachers of her kid's soccer game.
Making time for a friend is an act of love not only towards them, but towards ourselves.
How do you stay connected with friends?
*anybody else's meal planning involve DoorDash? :)
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