Once Upon A (Holiday) Time...
Hi! I'm Danielle. Most people who know me know I've owned this small jewelry business ( Create Hope Cuffs ) for nearly 6 years now. It's my full time gig, my side gig, and my dream job all rolled into one. I'm all in and then some.

I get to be the designer, the boss, the visionary each & every day.
There are days I flounder, take a little too much advantage of my flexibility, and many days where I sit and think, 'How God?' Sometimes in awe. Sometimes in frustration. Sometimes in fear. Seriously, how God?
Like every other business owner, 2020 and 2021 have given us a run for our literal money as we've tried to pivot and truly focus on developing online sales.
Thankfully, in the last couple of months, we've been able to do a few local events and it's been wonderful to see so many repeat customers (friends) again in person. Here's looking at you, Sparkle Conference ladies!
For the rest of 2021 - the next 10 weeks - we are pivoting back to ONLINE-only sales and now all eyes are on YOU... the liker, the commenter, the sharer, the buyer, the giver.. We've got you & I know you've got us!
For anyone in retail sales, Quarter 4 (October-December) is the SUPERBOWL season. Often our Q4 sales have doubled Q1 + Q2 together.
As I'm dreaming, planning, strategizing how we can reach our sales goals AND giving goals for 2021, I realize there's so much value in simply asking for the sale, the word-of-mouth, the 'assist' if you will.
Friends, Family, Loyal Customers, here we are asking you to intentionally * think small* this season when it comes to shopping. Will you consider planning ahead to order meaningful, inspirational, and affordable handmade gifts from Create Hope Cuffs?
And if your finances just aren't 'there', I can't over-emphasize the HUGE benefit of simple word-of-mouth whether it be in real life or online.
In short; We need your support like never before to keep growing & pursuing our passion to create hope near and far. If the last two years have taught us nothing else, they've taught us we need hope beyond what this world can offer us.
It's my desire, along with my family, along with my team to close out this year with hope for a better & brighter future; one where we all lift one another up & walk out of 20-21's shadow hand in hand.
Now, I'm not sure buying a piece of jewelry can do all that, but hey, I say we need ALL the inspiration we can get along the journey. Don't you think?
We're on the lookout for more retail boutiques to carry our designs (wholesale), business owners & churches who want to give their staff Christmas gifts, and of course we love making gifts for your loved ones & sending 'love notes' on your behalf.
Our website has some great features for building custom designs as well as leather & cork earrings which make fabulous stocking stuffers.
Build-Your-Own: https://createhopecuffs.com/co…/build-your-own-bracelet-byob
Leather Earrings: https://createhopecuffs.com/collections/leather-earrings
Eco-Friendly Cork Designs: https://createhopecuffs.com/collections/cork-jewelry
New Beads & Braids for Stacking https://createhopecuffs.com/collections/beads-braids
You'll see us doing a lot of promoting for our Mini Wraps this season. With a revamped, thicker leather, new colors (Charcoal & Ginger leathers!) they are guaranteed to be a hit under the Christmas tree.
And we'll be having several FB Events. Turn your notifications on so you don't miss a beat.
Thanks for letting me share my passion, as always. I may be a 'solopreneur' but I know there's an army of support behind me and my little team!
Creating Hope Together,
Danielle & Team
Ps. Join us for our 2nd annual HoHoHope Backpack Giving Campaign. This year we'll be filling our red backpacks to support children in the transition to foster care. Details coming soon!
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