Bringing More Ease Into Your Life
The winter months provide a space for quiet reflection.
The long nights can make us want to grab a warm drink and snuggly blanket and cozy up by the fire to read a good novel, knit, or chat with loved ones. This season offers an ideal time for reflection and growth.

Yet for some of us, winter can be overscheduled. Our time may be flooded with sports, work, and other commitments. It can end up making us feel like we’re on a hamster wheel that keeps speeding up and adding more difficult levels. Instead of finding time for self-care, ease, or enjoyment, we may be racing through our never-ending to-do lists and carpool lanes. Leaving us bone-tired.
If you find yourself on the wheel, consider making an intention to create some space for reflection and relaxation this week. Carve out ten minutes to sit quietly with a warm drink and journal.
Answer this question, “What is one thing I could be doing right now that would bring more ease into this season?”
Then set your timer for ten minutes and put down on paper whatever comes to your mind. When you are finished chose one thing that you sense will add more ease into your life and then add it to your calendar.
Most of our calendars are already overflowing with more than enough. This new activity may require us to let go of something else that is important, but is not feeding our souls in this season.
When we take a few moments to listen to what is deep inside of us we begin to find more freedom and ease in our days. Spending time on our growth influences every other relationship in our lives.
I hope you choose to make space soon to find out what offers you more ease this week and can create a sacred space in your life to include this sweetness.
You do deserve this.
Author: Melinda Pedersen

Melinda is a certified holistic health & life coach. She is passionate about helping others create lasting transformations in their lives.
Contact her through IG or email
IG: @melindapedersencoachingllc
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