A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

Did you know in addition to online sales, we have booths at local events & festivals throughout the year? It's a great opportunity for me to connect with our local customers (something I missed dearly during 2020 and early 2021). Here's one such example of how impactful those events can be and the ripple effect that Create Hope Cuffs have beyond our Hope Shop door. 

Side note: Please read to the end where I offer you an opportunity to share your own 'create hope' story. 

Create Hope Cuffs was invited to J. F. Kruse Jewelers (one of our local retail partners) Ladies Night during which I was reminded over & over of some really important truths:

1. There’s an entire side of my business that is completely out of my control; therefore I can take none of the credit.
I learned of a woman on a plane who poured her heart out to the stranger next to her. That strange listened, comforted, and gave her a Create Hope Cuff ‘Faith’ bracelet off her very own arm.
I learned another stranger watched the whole thing and was incredibly moved by the generosity she had witnessed.
That generous giver is a local customer (who buys my designs regularly at JFKRUSE). I met her last night, both of us choking back tears while she shared this & several stories like it. She has blessed so many with her love & our bracelets.
I had no idea.
She was 1 of 6 women who so beautifully shared similar stories of giving and even receiving our bracelets.
Again, I had no idea. But what I do know is since Day 1 of this little biz, I’ve prayed every bracelet going out would be a tangible source of hope for women near & far.
God took those prayers & hundreds of willing hearts to share the simple yet profound message… we are all beacons of Hope; if only we’ll use what’s right in our very own hands with those right in front of us.
2. I belong to a truly astonishing local community of women business owners. Mel, owner of J.F. Kruse Jewelers couldn’t have been more excited to tell me she got to brag about our brand to a prominent women’s networking exec just recently.
I’ve remained dumbfounded that Mel recognized the passion I had over 5 years ago & asked if I’d be willing to carry our designs in her fine jeweler store. She took a chance on us & it’s been a great partnership; she’s still taking chances on my little business and goodness… doing it with such excitement.
Mel, you’re the epitome of women supporting other women & being a rising tide! Rising tides lift all boats!!! Thank you for seeing, serving & cheering with 110% of yourself!
So, women, THIS is why it’s so important to pursue our deepest passions. As we do, we meet others at varying points on their journey and get to be a catalyst propelling them to reach people they have never even met. Our stories & legacies intertwine in ways we may never know.
Community over competition 8 days a week!
Thanks to each & every one of you who buy and give Create Hope Cuffs… you’re the answers to many prayers… keep creating hope wherever you go!
Danielle Brower
Ps. Do you have your very own 'create hope' story? Perhaps it's a way in which our designs helped you comfort a friend or the way your own bracelet brings a bit of light into your darkest days.
If you'd like to share it with us, please leave a comment here or send Danielle an email at createhopecuffs@gmail.com We will honor the level of privacy you request. In return, we will have a special gift waiting for you. Thank you!


  • David Newman

    A rising tide lifts all boats—a timeless metaphor that resonates with the boating community. As we navigate the currents of life, let’s celebrate the collective successes and growth that elevate us together. Whether it’s sharing maritime adventures, supporting fellow boaters, or fostering a sense of camaraderie, the rising tide symbolizes the shared journey we all embark upon. Here’s to lifting each other higher and sailing towards new horizons together!https://iqboatlifts.com/

  • Mary kay Morris

    I received one of your CHC after my son passed away. Since then I have gifted many bracelets to other moms who have lost a child, are fighting cancer or who need an encouraging word.
    Thank you for a wonderful product.

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